Non-Surgical Treatments for Pelvic Organ Prolapse & Stress Urinary Incontinence
This short presentation on non-surgical modalities that can help reduce the symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Stress Urinary Incontinence has been given worldwide since 2016. It isupdated as new technology and techniques have appeared. It addresses early history of RF use and its development ...
Large Volume Vampire Wing Lift Set Up and Mixing
A step-by-step video tutorial on how to mix PRP with HA for labia majora augmentation, Vampire Wing Lifts, treatment of Lichen Sclerosis and Vulvar Vestibulitis.Platelet Rich Plasma
The Ouchless O-Shot
This video demonstrates the use of energy (radiofrequency) with biologics (PRP plus Amniotic Fluid) together for conditions such as orgasmic dysfunction, OAB, and reduced sensitivity. Predictive Permeation, aka DEP or Dermoelectroporation, is used to pushthese biologics under the skin of the vulv...
ThermiVa and Vampire Wing Lift for Majora Deflation and Laxity
This video shows the combination procedure of radiofrequency ThermiVa and Vampire Wing Lift with PRP and HAfor Labia Majora Deflation and Laxity. She chose a labia minora surgery and wanted more majora prominence instead of majora reduction. Platelet Rich Plasma
Revision of Buried Clitoris and Frenulum Release, PRP with Amniotic Fluid
AIAVS Fellows Video 25 Revision of Buried Clitoris and Frenulum Release, PRP with Amniotic Fluid Platelet Rich Plasma
Release of Buried Clitoris and Frenulum, PRP and Amniotic Fluid Injection
Cheat Sheet - Release of Buried Clitoris and Frenulum, PRP and Amniotic Fluid Injection Platelet Rich Plasma
Vulvar Biopsy of Lichen Sclerosus Treated with PRP and Amniotic Fluid
AIAVS Fellows Video 30, Live Narrated Vulvar Biopsy and PRP + AmDrop Injection Platelet Rich Plasma
Posterior Repair, Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, LMP, Barbie LP, CHR, & PRP/O-Shot
Posterior Repair Vaginoplasty Perineoplasty Unified Approach Barbie LP PRP O-Shot Platelet Rich Plasma
Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty with ThermiVa, O-Shot, and Vampire Wing Lift
Lone Star Retractor APS | Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty
Management of Vulvar Angiomas, Lichen Sclerosus, GSM, and Excising Anal Skin Tag
Sutureless Feathering Labiaplasty Revision with Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction
Clitoral Hood Reduction & Contouring for Asymmetry
Unified Approach Labia Majoraplasty & Clitoral Hood Contouring, with HLP & ITP
This video demonstrates the removal of both lateral clitoral hood and labia majora together as one specimen and is called the “Unified Approach.” It can be performed in conjunction with a labia minoraplasty. It is an excellent way to achieve a contouringeffect on the vulvar structures. Other vide...
Perineoplasty and Excision of External Anal Skin Tags
This segment of an extended video concentrates only on the perineoplasty and removal of an external anal skin tag as part of a full labial reduction surgery. It is a Core video. The anal skin tag is excised and sutured and not vaporized. The commentary is live and in real time during a training s...
Labia Majoraplasty and Anal Skin Tag Removal by Radio Frequency Feathering
Reparing Rectocele and Vaginal Laxity with Hybrid Labiaplasty
Labia Majoraplasty Revision, Perineoplasty, Feathering, O-Shot, Excision of EAST
Labia Minoraplasty Anesthesia and Marking: Hybrid and Barbie Look
Perineoplasty, Hybrid Barbie Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction
5.6.Alinsod 3B Labia Majora Plasty with Fat Pad Excision, 10:335.6.1.Description:This short historical video from 2012 has been used in Dr. Alinsod’s Preceptorship programs and shown worldwide at numerous Congresses. A basic in-office awake labia majoraplasty is demonstrated with the addition of ...
Hybrid Labiaplasty
A Incisions Steps
This Core stop motion photography video explains the “A” Incision technique developed by Dr. Alinsod to prevent the formation of Dog Ears. Radiofrequency is used for precision excisions below the clitoral hood and just lateral to the clitoris. This video shows the Lateral A Incision only.
Barbie Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction, and A Incision Steps
Rim Labiaplasty: The Basics
This is The Core Lecture on Rim to Hybrid Labiaplasty demonstrating Dr. Alinsod’s technique using radiosurgical tools for extreme precision. A definite must-see discussion on how to find landmarks such as the Frenular Crease and then use that to define the amountoflabia to remove. It covers the d...
Labia Majoraplasty with Rim Labiaplasty
Labia Majoraplasty Lecture
This Core Lecture is a must for the Cosmetic Gynecologist who manages Camel Toes and loose labia majora. Dr. Alinsod shares his original non-surgical radiofrequency treatment using Pelleve and ThermiVa as well as his surgical technique developed in 2005 and performed under local anesthesia in an ...
Perineal Bx, Labia Majoraplasty, Hybrid Labiaplasty, CHR, O-Shot, and PRP
Clitoral Hood Release and AmDrop Shot
Clitoral Hood Release for Buried Clitoris
Clitoral Hood Reduction Techniques
This is a slightly longer version of video #18. It is aCore video on how to perform both the traditional Lateral Clitoral Hood Reduction and the Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction techniques under local anesthesia developed by Dr. Red Alinsod.
Vaginoplasty 101 with Clitoral Hood Reduction, Grooving and Feathering Revision
This full-length video coversthe details of a vaginoplasty and perineoplasty including the Pudendal and Levator Blocks in detail. The Feathering and Resurfacing procedure is seen here fully and unedited. Dr. Alinsod’s Grooving technique (creation of a labia where there was none viaoptical illusio...
Perineoplasty with Labiaplasty Revision for Gaping Labial Excision
Sutureless Band Release Lecture
Dr. Alinsodshows the principles and steps to SuturelessBand Release Surgery with RF from start to finish. RF energy is used to incise over the perineal and vaginal scars that are palpable and causing pain. This can be used to eliminate dyspareunia from a posterior repair or vaginoplasty or perine...
Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, Feathering Revision of Dog Ears
Perineal Band Release Revision
Cliteroplexy, Clitoral Hood Coverage, and O-Shot
AIAVS Live Narrated Cliteropexy, Clitoral Hood Coverage, and O-Shot to reverse and repair female genital mutilation. Patient also requests a Perinoplasty to provide more support.
Predictive Permeation for Gynecology
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - Jan 7, 2022
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - Dec 10, 2021
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - July 30, 2021
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - July 2, 2021
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - May 28, 2021
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - April 30, 2021
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - March 26, 2021
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - Feb 26, 2021
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - Jan 29, 2021
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom
Excision of Hymneneal Remnants
Hymeneal remnants can be confused as venereal warts and be unsightly to patients and their partners. Excision of Hymeneal Remnants is a very common procedure that accompanies many vaginoplasties and perineoplasties. In this case presented Hymeneal Remnants were removed by radiosurgry as part of a...
Removal of Hymeneal Remnants
Testosterone Pellet Placement
Step-by-step procedure guide on how to place BioTEpellets into a patient’s buttock. The equipment needed is shown as well as the actual placement of pellets under the skin and into the buttock fat.
Unified Approach to Perineoplasty, Majoraplasty, Barbie Labiplasty, and CHR
Rim Labiaplasty Gold Standard
Rim Labiaplasty with Medial A Incisions
Hybrid Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Contouring
Anterior Repair with Dermis, Perineoplasty, Labiaplasty, CHR, Excision of AST
Clitoral Hood Reduction & Contouring, Excision & Feathering Dog Ears, & ThermiVa
Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
ThermiVa with Vampire Wing Lift
Vampire Wing Lift and Mons Pubis Lift with Larger Volume HA
Demonstrated is a Large Volume Wing Lift on a patient whose goal was to have a distinctive and prominent labia majora. This was her trademark as a professional entertainer. Shenoted a reduction in labia majora volume. We purposely overfilled the labia majora. The end results looked both prominent...
Hymenoplasty Lecture
This Core Lecture tackles the sensitive and delicate topic of hymen repair surgery. It begins with a broad historical overview, current societal and cultural issues, and various methods of repairs that are both simple and refined used around the world. Dr. Alinsod also reviews methods used by two...
This Core Video tackles the sensitive and delicate topic of hymen repair surgery with a video tutorial. Thesimple yet elegant surgical video of Dr. Alinsod’s tried and true “Pillar Technique” is shown in great detail from start to finish to the post op time frame.This is a Core video.
ThermiVa and O-Shot Review
This is the Abbreviated CORE Lecture and procedural video on ThermiVa and O-Shot and how it is performed. Covered are animations of histologic effects of RF on tissues and how ThermiVa is performed. Demonstrations of transvaginal and transanal ThermiVa are shown. The video gives adetailedexample ...
Perineoplasty, Hybrid Labiaplasty, Lateral A Incision, and O-Shot
Labia Majoraplasty, TherniVa, and O-Shot
Perineoplasty, Vaginoplasty, Barbie Labiaplasty, Medial and Lateral A Incisions
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - Jan 28, 2022
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - Feb 25, 2022
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - April 28, 2022
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - April 1, 2022
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom
Management of the Protuberant Clitoris
Cheat Sheet - Hymenoplasty PIllar Technique
Cheat Sheet - 3 Hymenoplasty PIllar Technique ISCG 2023
Unified Approach to Perineoplasty, Majoraplasty, Barbie Labiplasty, and CHR
Small Perineoplasty
This video shows the repair of birth trauma stretching and tears with a perineoplasty that does not go deep into the vaginal canal like a rectocele repair. This is done mostly for improved appearance, lengthening the perineal body, and to get a modest increase in entry friction.
Perineoplasty, Wedge Labiaplasty Revision, Clitoral Hood Reduction, and O-shot
Perineoplasty and Dehiscence Repair
Perineal breakdown is the most common location of a wound dehiscence after posterior repairs, vaginoplasties, and perineoplasties. This video shows the initial perineoplasty, the subsequent breakdown, and the repair.
Perineal Band Release for Dyspareunia
Posterior Repairs, Vaginoplasties, and Perineoplasties may result in too tight an introitus that can lead to painful intercourse. A new partner that is very broad can result in painful sex also. This patient requested a band release right at the opening of her vagina and we were able to use rad...
Band Release
This case covers a span of several years and illustrates what can happen when there is estrogen loss+ and menopausal changes in the vulvovaginal areas. In summary, the patient underwent both labiaplasty and vaginoplasty and did very well until years later when GSM resulted in a tight introitis, ...
Feathering to a Barbie Look and Q-Tip Exercise
Radiofrequency Feathering of External Anal Skin Tags
This is supposed to be - Video #62, Live Narrated Perineoplasty, Excision and Feathering of External Anal Skin Tags
Perineoplasty, Hybrid Barbie Labiaplasty, CHR, ThermiVa, O-Shot, and VWL
Hybrid Labiaplasty with Vampire Wing Lift ThermiVa
Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery with VNew Dermal Allograft and Levatorplasty
AIAVS Fellows Video 6, Clitoral Hood Release and AmDrop Shot
AIAVS Fellow Video 5, Clitoral Hood Release for Buried Clitoris
AIAVS Fellows Video 24, Release of Buried Clitoris and Frenulum, PRP and Amniotic Fluid Injection
Clitoral Reconstructive Surgery - 3( Amr Seifeldin, M.D)
Clitoral Reconstructive Surgery -1 (Amr Seifeldin, M.D).
AIAVS Fellows Video 25, Revision of Buried Clitoris and Frenulum Release, PRP with Amniotic Fluid
AIAVS Fellows Video 106, Live Narrated Clitoral Bulb Reduction and Frenulectormy with CHR Revision
AIAVS Video 41, Live Narrated Clitoral Hood Reduction and Contouring and Excision and Feathering of Dog Ears, and ThermiVa
AIAVS Video 31 Live Narrated Cliteropexy, Clitoral Hood Coverage, O-Shot 4K
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom #17, April 7, 2023
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom Meeting for Fellows
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - May 5, 2023
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - June 2, 2023
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - June 2, 2023
#25 ARMS Medical Interview for Patients
#26 ARMS Medical Interview for Surgeons
#27 Leaky Bladder Podcast with Dr. Red Alinsod
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - July 7, 2023
Fellows Alinsod Live #20 Zoom - July 7, 2023 - inttroducing Luksenberg System
Fellows Alinsod Live Zoom - August 4, 2023
Management of Labial Scalloping and Scars with Feathering and Shaving
Management of Labial Scalloping and Scars with Feathering and Shaving
AIAVS Fellows Video 155 - Live narrated
aiavs_fellows_video_155,_live_narrated_management_of_labial_scalloping_and_scars_with_feathering_and_shaving_short (720p) -
Alinsod 24 FemXHA Preparation
Alinsod 24 FemXHA Preparation
Marketing: How To Build Instant Authority ISCG 2023
Marketing: Lori Werner of Medical Marketing Whiz teaches How To Build Instant Authority. Presentation given at ISCG 2023 Get in front of 1000s of New Patients instantly, and get the respect and recognition you deserve
SHORTS: LNNS4 Large Volume Vampire Wing Lift for ESAG 2021
LNNS4 Large Volume Vampire Wing Lift for ESAG 2021 Short Video
SHORTS: Vampire Wing Lift with FemXHA
Vampire Wing Lift with FemXHA Short Video
SHORTS: Alinsod 3B Labia Majora Plasty with Fat Pad Excision
Alinsod 3B Labia Majora Plasty with Fat Pad Excision Short Video
SHORTS: FemXHA for Vampire Wing LIft
FemXHA for Vampire Wing LIft Short Video
SHORT: Perineal Band Release Clitoral Exposure and Cystectomy, FemXHA, O-Shot 4K
VIDEO SHORT: AIAVS Fellows Video 129, Live Narrated Perineal Band Release, Clitoral Exposure, Clitoral Cystectomy, FemXHA, O-Shot 4K
LN Management of Labial Scalloping & Scars w/ Feathering & Shaving
Cheat Sheet - LN Management of Labial Scalloping & Scars w/ Feathering & Shaving
SHORTS: #5 Hybrid Labia Minoraplasty and Majoraplasty
#5 Hybrid Labia Minoraplasty and Majoraplasty Short Video
SHORTS: #17 Final - Feathering to Barbie, Vertical CHR, Perineo, Journey
#17 Final - Feathering to Barbie, Vertical CHR, Perineo, Journey Short Video
SHORTS: AIAVS Fellows Video 33 LN RF Feathering of External Anal Skin Tags
AIAVS Fellows Video 33 Live Narrated RF Feathering of External Anal Skin Tags Short Video
LNS5 Small Perineoplasty Prior to Labiaplasty
Brazillian Hair Reduction with Sciton Edit
LNS9 Live Narrated RF Feathering of External Anal Skin Tags
Vampire Wing Lift with FemXHA Short
Vampire Wing Lift with FemXHA Short
Alinsod 4A In-Office VP, Perineo, Hybrid LP, CHR Short Version
Hybrid Barbie LP, CHR, ThermiVa and Vampire Short Summary
AIAVS Video 130, Live Narrated ThermiVa, O-Shot, Vampire Wing Lift with FemXHA 4k
#16 Final Alinsod Pillar Technique Hymenoplasty Short
Bipolar RF Excision of Anal Skin Tags
#29 Synergy Regenerative Medicine in Gynecology Jamaica 2023 v2
#27 Leaky Bladder Podcast with Dr. Red Alinsod
#28 Synergy of Energy and Biologics and Marketing July 2023
#24 Management of Lichen Sclerosis by Max Brambilla and Katerina Gkouvi
#26 ARMS Medical Interview for Surgeons
#25 ARMS Medical Interview for Patients
#30 Luksenberg System Intro
#29 Synergy Regenerative Medicine in Gynecology Jamaica 2023 v2
Clitoral Reconstructive Surgery -1 (Amr Seifeldin, M.D)-
AIAVS Fellows Video 6, Clitoral Hood Release and AmDrop Shot
AIAVS Video 41, Live Narrated Clitoral Hood Reduction and Contouring and Excision and Feathering of Dog Ears, and ThermiVa
Bipolar RF Excision of Anal Skin Tags
#1 Labia Minoraplasty Lecture Full Version
#1 Labia Minoraplasty Lecture Full Version
#24_a_incision_review_2023 (360p)
#24 Hybrid Barbie LP, CHR, ThermiVa and Vampire Short Summary
Perineal Band Release clitoral exposure, cystectomy, femxha o-shot
Longstanding GSM secondary to natural/surgical/medical menopause from breast cancer treatments can be very debilitating. It is even worse when lichen sclerosis completely covers the clitoris and most of the vaginal opening. This patient had severe atrophy and dyspareunia along with anorgasmia s...
The Leaky Bladder: Online Consult
It is important to educate your patients and to let them know you are able to identify, manage, and safely treat the very common problem of the Leaky Bladder. Both SUI and OAB and Mixed Incontinence. This video was made for the Lay Public and I share this with Gynflix subscribers as a model of ...
The Leaky Bladder: Online Consult
It is important to educate your patients and to let them know you are able to identify, manage, and safely treat the very common problem of the Leaky Bladder. Both SUI and OAB and Mixed Incontinence. This video was made for the Lay Public and I share this with Gynflix subscribers as a model of ...
Amniotic Fluid for Gynecologic Conditions
The novel use of Amniotic Fluid for medical conditions and specific gynecologic conditions are presented and discussed at length with renown Regenerative Medicine researcher and educator Prabhu Mishra, PhD, from India. The current state of amniotic fluid access in the United States is discussed ...
Amniotic Fluid for Gynecologic Conditions
The novel use of Amniotic Fluid for medical conditions and specific gynecologic conditions are presented and discussed at length with renown Regenerative Medicine researcher and educator Prabhu Mishra, PhD, from India. The current state of amniotic fluid access in the United States is discussed ...
ThermiVa in Gynecology: A Six Year Review
A complete discussion on radiofrequency technology and clinical outcomes including the complimentary use of PRP/O-Shot to form the basis of Thermi-O treatments. Physiology and histopathology are reviewed. There is no video on the actual ThermiVa procedure. There is almost an hour of Question a...
ThermiVa in Gynecology: A Six Year Review
A complete discussion on radiofrequency technology and clinical outcomes including the complimentary use of PRP/O-Shot to form the basis of Thermi-O treatments. Physiology and histopathology are reviewed. There is no video on the actual ThermiVa procedure. There is almost an hour of Question a...
Labiaplasty 101: Primer Aesthetic Gyneocologic Energy Based Devices & Biologics
An extended Primer on Aesthetic Gynecology, Energy Based Devices, and Biologics. It includes the presentation Labiaplasty 101 that was given worldwide to introduce the topic of Cosmetic Gynecology for those with an interest in pursuing the field. The first half is historical background includin...
Labiaplasty 101: Primer Aesthetic Gyneocologic Energy Based Devices & Biologics
An extended Primer on Aesthetic Gynecology, Energy Based Devices, and Biologics. It includes the presentation Labiaplasty 101 that was given worldwide to introduce the topic of Cosmetic Gynecology for those with an interest in pursuing the field. The first half is historical background includin...
Botched Labiaplasty 101: Avoidance and Repair | The Alinsod Feathering Technique
This video tackles the problems of unsatisfactory labial surgery, how to avoid them, and how to fix them. A large selection of various “Botched” labiaplasty cases are illustrated and discussed. Radiosurgical techniques are explained and shown for the repair of these difficult problems. Various...
Off-Site Traveling Preceptorship
1.1. 5A Alinsod Off-Site Traveling Preceptorship 2 Min, 02:26
1.1.1. Description: This video shows Dr. Alinsod training a surgeon in vaginoplasty/perineoplasty and labiaplasty surgery at their preferred location. Dr. Alinsod has trained surgeons worldwide.
1.1.2. Keywords: Traveling, Traini... -
LN Posterior Compartment Repair with Vaginoplasty & Perineoplasty Short Version
Barbie/Hybrid Labiaplasty for Asymmetry & Labia Majora RF Tightening (Pelleve)
This historical video from 2009 shows a Hybrid Labiaplasty followed by an RF tightening of the labia majora using the first RF device released in the United States, for surgical and non-surgical procedures,called the Ellman Pelleve. Dr. Alinsod created the first protocols for vulvovaginal RF use ...
Hybrid Labia Minoraplasty and Majoraplasty
Hybrid Labia Minoraplasty and Majoraplasty
Alinsod 21 Introduction to Juventix and FemXHA 2023
Alinsod 22 FemXHA for Vampire Wing LIft 2023
FemXHA for Vampire Wing LIft
FemXHA Preparation
#20 Rim Labiaplasty Basics
AIAVS Fellows Video 33 Live Narrated RF Feathering of External Anal Skin Tags
#21 Barbie and Hybrid Look Labiaplasty Steps
AIAVS Video 60, Live Narrated Rim Labiaplasty Gold Standard
#2 Labia Majoraplasty Lecture Full Version
#3 Hymenoplasty Lecture with Voiceover Large File
Vampire Face Lift by Sylvia Silvestri Edit
Alinsod 1 Predictive Permeation DEP Narrated v2
Vampire Wing Lift with O-Shot
This patient suffers from Orgasmic Dysfunction and labia majora laxity. She does not want surgical labia majoraplasty. The video illustrates both a radiofrequency treatment to increase the density of the small nerve fibers to help with sensitivity and as well as an O-Shot to increase local bloo...
Revision of Buried Clitoris and Frenulum Release, PRP with Amniotic Fluid
AIAVS Fellows Video 25 Revision of Buried Clitoris Frenulum, PRP Amniotic Fluid Platelet Rich Plasma
Buried Clitoris Frenulum and PRP Amniotic Fluid Injection
AIAVS Fellows Video 24, Buried Clitoris Frenulum PRP Amniotic Fluid Injection Platelet Rich Plasma
AIAVS Fellows Video 19, Removal of Hymeneal Remnants.m4v
AIAVS Video 86, Live Narrated Thermi-O
Cheat Sheet - AIAVS Video 86, Live Narrated Thermi-O
LNNS6 Live Narrated ThermiVa and Vampire Wing Lift for Majora Deflation and Laxity Edit
Predictive Permeation DEP Narrated v2
Predictive Permeation DEP Narrated v2
The Vampire Wing Lift
The Vampire Wing Lift is the injection of PRP mixed with Hyaluronic acid into the labia majora to increase volume and reduce the appearance of sagging. This procedure was initially described and developed by Dr. Charles Runels and is part of his Vampire Procedures taught worldwide. This video c...
Vampire Wing Lift After Labiaplasty
The patient had a labia minoraplasty and clitoral hood reduction and requested an O-Shot to improve her sensitivity. She also requested a fuller appearing labia majora. We used a 27-gauge needle to place the HA/PRP mix into the labia majora and make it look more youthful. A canula is an excell...
The Vampire Wing Lift
The Vampire Wing Lift is the injection of PRP mixed with Hyaluronic acid into the labia majora to increase volume and reduce the appearance of sagging. This procedure was initially described and developed by Dr. Charles Runels and is part of his Vampire Procedures taught worldwide. This video c...
Clitoral Hood Release and AmDrop Shot
Cliteropexy, Clitoral Hood Coverage, and O-Shot
Clitoral Hood Release for Buried Clitoris
Labia Majoraplasty Anesthesia and Marking
This is a CORE video demonstrating his labia majora anesthesia and marking technique in his on-site programs. There is anatomy review, demonstration on Predictive Permeation, guidance on where to inject and what to inject, identification of the fat pad, and examples of Before and After results fr...
Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Removal
This is the original video used in my on-site training programs and shown worldwide on how to do a Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Removal and how ot manage the Camel Toes. My thinking process is verbalized and you can hear how I make decisions. Many pearls and secrets are shared in this video ...
Management of the Camel Toes with ThermiVa and Majoraplasty
Labia Majoraplasty with Radiofrequency Feathering
This historical short video shows labia majoraplasty and RF Feathering of thick keloid scars on a transgender Male to Female patient. This video has been used for over a decade to show the basic principles of labia majoraplasty surgery and RF Feathering and Resurfacing. Background music with no n...
Barbie and Hybrid Look Labiaplasty Steps
This is The Core Lecture on Hybrid and Barbie Look Labiaplasty demonstrating Dr. Alinsod’s technique using radiosurgical tools for extreme precision. If you will only watch one of Dr. Alinsod’s labiaplasty videos this is the one to choose. A definite must-see discussion on how to find landmarks...
Alinsod Labiaplasty Technique: Barbie Goes International
This Core Lecture is a must for both basic and advanced surgeons. Dr. Alinsod shares his knowledge, developed over decades, for performing safe, beautiful, and consistent labiaplasties using radiofrequency tools in an office setting with the patient awake. This is the presentation all of Dr. Al...
The Process Labiaplasty Start to Finish
This Core live narrated video reviews the process from start to finish in great detail and is sped up 4x in many sections. It starts with 3D photography, demonstration of Predictive Permeation to numb vulvovaginal tissues, shows the equipment needed for surgery, the prep, the setup, the local an...
Labiaplasty Set Up and Draping Patient View
This abbreviated short video shows how Dr. Alinsod uses inexpensive and reusable sterile towels to drape a patient for in-office, awake, no-IV labiaplasty and vaginoplasty. This is from the patient’s point of view. It starts with a demonstration of draping then an overview of surgical tools. T...
Table Height
Labia Minoraplasty Anesthesia and Marking: Hybrid and Barbie Look
Dr. Alinsod has taught In-Office, Awake, NO-IV labiaplasty for almost two decades. This is a CORE video demonstrating his technique taught to hundreds of his graduates. Labia Minoraplasty and Lateral Curvilinear Clitoral Hood Reduction markings are taught. There is anatomy review, guidance on ...
A Incisions Steps
This Core stop motion photography video explains the “A” Incision technique developed by Dr. Alinsod to prevent the formation of Dog Ears. Radiofrequency is used for precision excisions below the clitoral hood and just lateral to the clitoris. This video shows the Lateral A Incision only.
Hybrid Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Feathering
This is a shortened video for review. Basic Hybrid Labiaplasty is performed with a minor Feathering and Resurfacing of the clitoral hood added to help achieve symmetry. Anesthesia, markings, incision, excision, layered suturing, and Before and After results are shown.
Barbie/Hybrid Labiaplasty for Asymmetry & Labia Majora RF Tighterning (Pelleve)
This historical video from 2009 shows a Hybrid Labiaplasty followed by an RF tightening of the labia majora using the first RF device released in the United States, for surgical and non-surgical procedures,called the Ellman Pelleve. Dr. Alinsod created the first protocols for vulvovaginal RF use ...
The Unified Approach: Barbie/Smooth Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction
This historical video from 2011 was used by Dr. Alinsod in his Preceptorship program and was seen by all of his grads that now have International training programs of their own. This video shows how a Barbie Look labia minoraplasty and clitoral hood reduction can be performed together as one spec...
Q-Tip Exercise
This is a short video on how to use a Q-tip to prevent the agglutination and sticking of edges after surgery. Feathered and resurfaced areas have a tendency to stick together and can be painful when pulled on. This live video of showing a patient in real time how to keep the edges separated is ...
Vaginal Softening Exercises
This essential Core video is for patients to view before and after surgeries involving the posterior compartment and perineum. It is intended to show the patient how to soften and provide skin flexibility to reduce and eliminate post op pain from scars or from menopausal changes such as GSMspecif...
Hybrid Labiaplasty
Perineoplasty, Hybrid Barbie Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction
5.6.Alinsod 3B Labia Majora Plasty with Fat Pad Excision, 10:335.6.1.Description:This short historical video from 2012 has been used in Dr. Alinsod’s Preceptorship programs and shown worldwide at numerous Congresses. A basic in-office awake labia majoraplasty is demonstrated with the addition of ...
Radiofrequency Feathering of External Anal Skin Tags
Perineoplasty and Excision of External Anal Skin Tags
This segment of an extended video concentrates only on the perineoplasty and removal of an external anal skin tag as part of a full labial reduction surgery. It is a Core video. The anal skin tag is excised and sutured and not vaporized. The commentary is live and in real time during a trainin...
Perineoplasty with Labiaplasty Revision for Gaping Labial Excision
Hybrid Labiplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction, and Anal Skin Tag Removal
This is a Core Lecture. It is a fully narrated stop motion photography presentation allowing me to point out specific anatomy and corresponding surgical techniques. The video is not as clear optically as I would like but is sufficient to get the key steps fully covered and explained. The marki...
Incisionless Labiaplasty with Feathering Resurfacing Revision
The video shows the principles and steps to Dr. Alinsod’s Feathering revision surgery with RF from start to finish. It is also called Incisionless Labiaplasty since the tissues are not cut but are shrunk and vaporized with radiofrequency energy. The pros and cons of the technique is discussed in ...
Hybrid Labiplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction, and Anal Skin Tag Removal - Short
Rim Labiaplasty: The Basics
This is The Core Lecture on Rim to Hybrid Labiaplasty demonstrating Dr. Alinsod’s technique using radiosurgical tools for extreme precision. A definite must-see discussion on how to find landmarks such as the Frenular Crease and then use that to define the amount of labia to remove. It covers t...
Barbie Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction, and A Incision Steps
This Core stop motion photography video explains the “A” Incision technique developed by Dr. Alinsod to prevent the formation of Dog Ears. Radiofrequency is used for precision excisions below the clitoral hood and just lateral to the clitoris. This video shows the entire case with a Barbie Look...
Perineoplasty, Sutureless Labiaplasty with Feathering Resurfacing Revision
This Core video shows a detailed demonstration of the Feathering technique to smoothen edges of a “Botched Labiaplasty.” The precise layered technique and small perineoplasty are carefully described and shown.
Labiaplasty Set Up and Draping Doctor View
This video is show how Dr. Alinsod uses inexpensive and reusable sterile towels to drape a patient for in-office, awake, no-IV labiaplasty. It is from the surgeon’s point of view. It starts with a demonstration of 3D Photography, Predictive Permeation, then overview of surgical tools, surgical ...
Barbie and Hybrid Look Labiaplasty Steps
This is The Core Lecture on Hybrid and Barbie Look Labiaplasty demonstrating Dr. Alinsod’s technique using radiosurgical tools for extreme precision. If you will only watch one of Dr. Alinsod’s labiaplasty videos this is the one to choose. A definite must-see discussion on how to find landmarks s...
The Process Labiaplasty Start to Finish
This Core live narrated video reviews the process from start to finishin great detail and is sped up 4x in many sections. It starts with 3D photography, demonstration of Predictive Permeation to numb vulvovaginal tissues, shows the equipment needed for surgery, the prep, the setup, the local anes...
Rim Labiaplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction, and Perineoplasty
The patient complains of a gaping and wide vaginal opening and wants a modest reduction of her labia. Described and shown is an in-office conservative Rim labiaplasty and wide clitoral hood reduction and perineoplasty with local anesthesia. Layered suturing is shown.
Barbie Look Labiaplasty with Medial and Lateral A Incisions
Complex labial anatomy with multiple folds and asymmetry can be very challenging. Performing a Barbie Look Labiaplasty and Clitoral Hood Reduction can simplify the decision making since your goal is remove the majority of the labia and lateral clitoral hood. If the patient has adequate labia ma...
Labia Majoraplasty Lecture
This Core Lecture is a must for the Cosmetic Gynecologist who manages Camel Toes and loose labia majora. Dr. Alinsod shares his original non-surgical radiofrequency treatment using Pelleve and ThermiVa as well as his surgical technique developed in 2005 and performed under local anesthesia in an...
Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction, VCHR, Labia Minora Feathering, O-Shot
Full-Length Video details the steps of Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction for Camel Toes. All steps from Predictive Permeation/DEP, local anesthesia, markings, incision, fat pad reduction, layered closure, and sutureless Labia Minor Feathering are highlighted. The vital suturing techniqu...
Clitoral Hood Reduction Techniques
This is a slightly longer version of video #18. It is a Core video on how to perform both the traditional Lateral Clitoral Hood Reduction and the Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction techniques under local anesthesia developed by Dr. Red Alinsod.
Lateral Clitoral Hood Reduction
Dr. Alinsod’s Core classic technique is described in detail. This sped up video shows the local anesthesia placed, the markings, incision, excision, and layered “Bottom Up/Town Down” suturing performed. The Bridge Concept is shown and the “Inflection” goal pointed out. The Frenular Crease is d...
Clitoral Hood Reduction Contouring A Incisions for Severe Asymmetry
This Live Narrated Core teaching video focuses on Clitoral Hood Reduction and Contouring using pinpoint RF surgery. Debulking of the labia and clitoral hood and avoidance of Dog Ears is done with Medial A Incisions. Markings, anesthesia, RF incision and Excision are shown in great detail. Grea...
Unified Approach Labia Majoraplasty & Clitoral Hood Contouring, with HLP & ITP
This video demonstrates the removal of both lateral clitoral hood and labia majora together as one specimen and is called the “Unified Approach.” It can be performed in conjunction with a labia minoraplasty. It is an excellent way to achieve a contouringeffect on the vulvar structures. Other vide...
Gynecologic Photography for Dummies
This is a Core Lecture. The importance of learning how to take high quality Before and After pictures is stressed. Equipment and practical in-office setup are shown. Step-by-step practical skills are demonstrated and discussed. The entire process is shown with a real-time real-world patient f...
Alinsod Labiaplasty Technique: Barbie Goes International
This Core Lecture is a must for both basic and advanced surgeons. Dr. Alinsod shareshis knowledge, developed over decades,for performing safe, beautiful, and consistent labiaplastiesusing radiofrequency toolsin an office setting with the patient awake. This is the presentation all of Dr. Alinsod’...
Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction, VCHR, Feathering, with PRP/O-Shot
Synergy of Energy and Biologics for The Leaky Bladder
Wide Clitoral Hood Reduction and Contouring
This Core video shows another example of how to reduce the bulk and width of a wide clitoral The technique is exactly the same if there were multiple folds present. A labiaplasty is performed but not shown in this video that focuses on the contouring of the clitoral hood for a more petite and l...
Vampire Wing Lift with O-Shot
This patient suffers from Orgasmic Dysfunction and labia majora laxity. She does not want surgical labia majoraplasty. The video illustrates both a radiofrequency treatment to increase the density of the small nerve fibers to help with sensitivity and as well as an O-Shot to increase local bloo...
Vampire Wing Lift and Mons Pubis Lift with Larger Volume HA
Demonstrated is a Large Volume Wing Lift on a patient whose goal was to have a distinctive and prominent labia majora. This was her trademark as a professional entertainer. She noted a reduction in labia majora volume. We purposely overfilled the labia majora. The end results looked both prom...
Vampire Wing Lift After Labiaplasty
The patient had a labia minoraplasty and clitoral hood reduction and requested an O-Shot to improve her sensitivity. She also requested a fuller appearing labia majora. We used a 27-gauge needle to place the HA/PRP mix into the labia majora and make it look more youthful. A canula is an excell...
Vampire Facial: Microneedling and Predictive Permeation
The video starts with instructions on how to collect and prepare blood to obtain PRP. The collection of blood, centrifugation of blood, and collection of PRP is shown. The face is then treated first with radiofrequency to tighten the skin and encourage new collagen and fibrin formation from fib...
Vampire Face Lift by Sylvia Silvestri
World renown nurse educator and expert injector Sylvia Silverstri has taught hundreds of nurses and doctors the art of Botox and Fillers. She is one of Dr. Runels top educators in both volume and quality of teaching. She demonstrates how to do a Vampire Face Lift for her class of nurses with a ...
Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, Post Rep, MP, Barbie LP, CHR, Anal Skin Tag
A combination surgery is performed to narrow the vaginal canal and improve the vulvar appearance. The Lone Star Retractor is used to allow visualization for the office vaginoplasty and perineoplasty. The labia majoraplasty is performed in the standard manner with inclusion of some lateral clito...
Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, Barbie Labiaplasty, CHR, Anal Skin Tag, & Thermi-O
This complex combination surgery shows the correct order and detailed steps to achieve a Barbie Look Labiaplasty when done in conjunction with a Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty and Anal Skin Tag Excision and Thermi-O treatment. RF vaporization of external anal skin tags is shown with guidance of ...
Vaginoplasty and Feathering Revision
A historical video from 2010 set to music with no narration. This vaginoplasty and Feathering Revision (aka Sutureless Labiaplasty) for a Botched Labiaplasty isused in Dr. Alinsod’s Preceptoship programs as he describesthe surgery live and in person to his Fellows. It remains an excellent video r...
Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty Review
This short historical review of a Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty is typically narrated by Dr. Alinsod live to his Fellows right before starting a similar surgery. It is intended to give a visual reference for learning the steps and anatomy prior to the live demonstration in the office.
Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty Equipment, Set Up, and Draping
An inexpensive way to set up to do vaginoplasty surgery in the office is demonstrated. Basic equipment, sterile towels, radiosurgical tools, Lone Star Retractor are displayed. Proper table height, patient leg support, surgeon elbow support is stressed for an ergonomic surgery. This is a Core v...
This video is a short segment of LNS1 v1 Live Narrated Vaginoplasty 101 with CHR, Grooving, Feathering Resurfacing, Q-Tip, O-Shot 4K. It only covers the details of a vaginoplasty and perineoplasty including the markings, anesthesia, Pudendal and Levator Blocks details. This patient does not hav...
ThermiVa and PRP for Lichen Sclerosus Maintenance Therapy
Lichen Sclerosis is typically treated with a potent steroid and ablative CO2 laser at times. This Core procedural video shows an alternative treatment using radiofrequency and PRP injected into the pale and tender areas of the vulva and perineum. PRP with Amniotic Fluid has also been used with ...
ThermiVa and O-Shot Review
This is the Abbreviated CORE Lecture and procedural video on ThermiVa and O-Shot and how it is performed. Covered are animations of histologic effects of RF on tissues and how ThermiVa is performed. Demonstrations of transvaginal and transanal ThermiVa are shown. The video gives a detailed exa...
ThermiVa: A Brief History
A brief history on the development of ThermiVa from Dr. Alinsod, the first user of RF energy for non-surgical genital use.
The Ouchless O-Shot
This video demonstrates the use of energy (radiofrequency) with biologics (PRP plus Amniotic Fluid) together for conditions such as orgasmic dysfunction, OAB, and reduced sensitivity. Predictive Permeation, aka DEP or Dermoelectroporation, is used to push these biologics under the skin of the vu...
The O-Shot, PRP, PPP, and Amniotic Fluid
A short but detailed Core video on how PRP/O-Shot is injected into the clitoris, anterior compartment/G-Spot region, and how it is also used for OAB and LS. This is an excellent review. For a very modest fee, licensure with Dr. Runels and ACCMA is available upon request to allow the use of copy...
The Baby Face Facial Predictive Permeation
The placement of Amniotic Fluid under the skin instead of PRP for use as the biologic, to give the skin that special glow, is called the “Baby Face Facial.” In this video we use Predictive Permeation to open the water channels to push collagen and amniotic fluid deep under the skin similar to th...
Synergy of Energy and Biologics: Thermi-O
This epic webinar, given at the height of the COVID pandemic, brought digital online teaching worldwide when travel to meetings had been halted. There was a large demand for comprehensive courses in non-surgical cosmetic gynecology. This 4-Hour extended webinar covers singular and complimentary...
Sutureless Band Release Lecture
Dr. Alinsod shows the principles and steps to Sutureless Band Release Surgery with RF from start to finish. RF energy is used to incise over the perineal and vaginal scars that are palpable and causing pain. This can be used to eliminate dyspareunia from a posterior repair or vaginoplasty or pe...
Small Perineoplasty Prior to Labiaplasty
Detailed video on Perineoplasty performed before a complex labial surgery. Anesthesia, markings, excision, and layered sutureing are shown. This is the key step to start a complex case. Almost always perform the perineoplasty first with or without a vaginoplasty then proceed to the labial surg...
Small Perineoplasty
This video shows the repair of birth trauma stretching and tears with a perineoplasty that does not go deep into the vaginal canal like a rectocele repair. This is done mostly for improved appearance, lengthening the perineal body, and to get a modest increase in entry friction.
Radiofrequency Feathering of External Anal Skin Tags
Q-Tip Exercise to Prevent Agglutination
This is a short video on how to use a Q-tip to prevent the agglutination and sticking of edges after Feathering Resurfacing surgery. Feathered and resurfaced areas have a tendency to stick together and can be painful when pulled on. This live video of showing a patient in real time how to keep ...
Perineoplasty and Dehiscence Repair
Perineal breakdown is the most common location of a wound dehiscence after posterior repairs, vaginoplasties, and perineoplasties. This video shows the initial perineoplasty, the subsequent breakdown, and the repair.
Perineal Bx, Labia Majoraplasty, Hybrid Labiaplasty, CHR, O-Shot, and PRP
Perineal Band Release for Dyspareunia
Posterior Repairs, Vaginoplasties, and Perineoplasties may result in too tight an introitus that can lead to painful intercourse. A new partner that is very broad can result in painful sex also. This patient requested a band release right at the opening of her vagina and we were able to use rad...
Feathering and Grooving Revision, CHR, and O-Shot for Botched Labiaplasty
This video covers only the Feathering and Resurfacing and Grooving procedure portion of the full-length video LNS1 v1 Live Narrated Vaginoplasty 101 with CHR, Grooving, Feathering Resurfacing, Q-Tip, O-Shot 4K. Dr. Alinsod’s Grooving technique (creation of a labia where there was none via optica...
Feathering Resurfacing Revision
This Core video demonstrates the essential skills of Feathering and Resurfacing done for revision surgery. A definite Must See Video. Radiofrequency feathering is precise and able to smooth, carve, and shrink tissues. Most Botched Labiaplasty surgeries with irregular edges, dog ears, and asymmetr...
Labiaplasty Set Up of Instruments and Draping
An inexpensive way to set up to do labiaplasty surgery in the office is demonstrated. Basic equipment, sterile towels, radiosurgical tools are displayed. Proper table height, patient leg support, surgeon elbow support is stressed for an ergonomic surgery. This is a Core video to view before pe...
Vampire Facial: Microneedling and Predictive Permeation
The video starts with instructions on how to collect and prepare blood to obtain PRP. The collection of blood, centrifugation of blood, and collection of PRP is shown. The face is then treated first with radiofrequency to tighten the skin and encourage new collagen and fibrin formation from fib...
Vampire Face Lift by Sylvia Silvestri
World renown nurse educator and expert injector Sylvia Silverstri has taught hundreds of nurses and doctors the art of Botox and Fillers. She is one of Dr. Runels top educators in both volume and quality of teaching. She demonstrates how to do a Vampire Face Lift for her class of nurses with a ...
Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, Post Rep, MP, Barbie LP, CHR, Anal Skin Tag
A combination surgery is performed to narrow the vaginal canal and improve the vulvar appearance. The Lone Star Retractor is used to allow visualization for the office vaginoplasty and perineoplasty. The labia majoraplasty is performed in the standard manner with inclusion of some lateral clito...
Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, Barbie Labiaplasty, CHR, Anal Skin Tag, & Thermi-O
This complex combination surgery shows the correct order and detailed steps to achieve a Barbie Look Labiaplasty when done in conjunction with a Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty and Anal Skin Tag Excision and Thermi-O treatment. RF vaporization of external anal skin tags is shown with guidance of ...
Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, and O-Shot
A vaginoplasty with Perineoplasty is performed for this lady suffering from laxity and lack of friction. Detailed pelvic floor dissection is shown. Suturing to reduce the vaginal diameter and adequate vaginal mucosa excision are demonstrated. An O-Shot is performed at the end as well as review...
Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty
This short historical review of a Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty is typically narrated by Dr. Alinsod live to his Fellows right before starting a similar surgery. It is intended to give a visual reference for learning the steps and anatomy prior to the live demonstration in the office.
Vaginoplasty & Feathering Revision
A historical video from 2010 set to music with no narration. This vaginoplasty and Feathering Revision (aka Sutureless Labiaplasty) for a Botched Labiaplasty isused in Dr. Alinsod’s Preceptoship programs as he describesthe surgery live and in person to his Fellows. It remains an excellent video r...
Vaginoplasty: Equipment, Set Up, and Draping
An inexpensive way to set up to do vaginoplasty surgery in the office is demonstrated. Basic equipment, sterile towels, radiosurgical tools, Lone Star Retractor are displayed. Proper table height, patient leg support, surgeon elbow support is stressed for an ergonomic surgery. This is a Core v...
This video is a short segment of LNS1 v1 Live Narrated Vaginoplasty 101 with CHR, Grooving, Feathering Resurfacing, Q-Tip, O-Shot 4K. It only covers the details of a vaginoplasty and perineoplasty including the markings, anesthesia, Pudendal and Levator Blocks details. This patient does not hav...
Vaginal Softening Exercises
This essential Core video is for patients to view before and after surgeries involving the posterior compartment and perineum. It is intended to show the patient how to soften and provide skin flexibility to reduce and eliminate post op pain from scars or from menopausal changes such as GSMspecif...
Unified Approach Labia Majoraplasty & Clitoral Hood Contouring, with HLP & ITP
This video demonstrates the removal of both lateral clitoral hood and labia majora together as one specimen and is called the “Unified Approach.” It can be performed in conjunction with a labia minoraplasty. It is an excellent way to achieve a contouringeffect on the vulvar structures. Other vide...
The Unified Approach: Barbie/Smooth Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction
This historical video from 2011 was used by Dr. Alinsod in his Preceptorship program and was seen by all of his grads that now have International training programs of their own. This video shows how a Barbie Look labia minoraplasty and clitoral hood reduction can be performed together as one spec...
ThermiVa with Vampire Wing Lift
Cheat Sheet - AIAVS Fellows Video 58, Live Narrated ThermiVa with Vampire Wing Lift
ThermiVa and Vampire Wing Lift for Majora Deflation and Laxity
This video shows the combination procedure of radiofrequency ThermiVa and Vampire Wing Lift with PRP and HA for Labia Majora Deflation and Laxity. She chose a labia minora surgery and wanted more majora prominence instead of majora reduction.
ThermiVa for Gynecology - Short
This is the Abbreviated PowerPoint Lecture on ThermiVa and how it is performed. It was filmed for an International Congress with Dr. Alinsod on the screen. Covered are the history of RF in gynecology, FDA issues, the effects of RF, histopathology of RF, clinical uses of RF for genital health, s...
ThermiVa for Gynecology
This is the CORE Lecture and procedural video on ThermiVa and how it is performed. Covered are the history of RF in gynecology, FDA issues, the effects of RF, histopathology of RF, clinical uses of RF for genital health, safety, maintenance therapies. The video gives an example of the O-Shot cr...
ThermiVa and PRP for Lichen Sclerosus Maintenance Therapy
Lichen Sclerosis is typically treated with a potent steroid and ablative CO2 laser at times. This Core procedural video shows an alternative treatment using radiofrequency and PRP injected into the pale and tender areas of the vulva and perineum. PRP with Amniotic Fluid has also been used with ...
ThermiVa and O-Shot Review
This is the Abbreviated CORE Lecture and procedural video on ThermiVa and O-Shot and how it is performed. Covered are animations of histologic effects of RF on tissues and how ThermiVa is performed. Demonstrations of transvaginal and transanal ThermiVa are shown. The video gives a detailed exa...
ThermiVa: A Brief History
A brief history on the development of ThermiVa from Dr. Alinsod, the first user of RF energy for non-surgical genital use.
The Process Labiaplasty Start to Finish
This Core live narrated video reviews the process from start to finishin great detail and is sped up 4x in many sections. It starts with 3D photography, demonstration of Predictive Permeation to numb vulvovaginal tissues, shows the equipment needed for surgery, the prep, the setup, the local anes...
The Ouchless O-Shot
This video demonstrates the use of energy (radiofrequency) with biologics (PRP plus Amniotic Fluid) together for conditions such as orgasmic dysfunction, OAB, and reduced sensitivity. Predictive Permeation, aka DEP or Dermoelectroporation, is used to push these biologics under the skin of the vu...
The O-Shot, PRP, PPP, and Amniotic Fluid
A short but detailed Core video on how PRP/O-Shot is injected into the clitoris, anterior compartment/G-Spot region, and how it is also used for OAB and LS. This is an excellent review. For a very modest fee, licensure with Dr. Runels and ACCMA is available upon request to allow the use of copy...
The Leaky Bladder Online Consult for the Lay Public
It is important to educate your patients and to let them know you are able to identify, manage, and safely treat the very common problem of the Leaky Bladder. Both SUI and OAB and Mixed Incontinence. This video was made for the Lay Public and I share this with Gynflix subscribers as a model of ...
The Baby Face Facial Predicitve Permeation
The placement of Amniotic Fluid under the skin instead of PRP for use as the biologic, to give the skin that special glow, is called the “Baby Face Facial.” In this video we use Predictive Permeation to open the water channels to push collagen and amniotic fluid deep under the skin similar to th...
Testosterone Pellet Placement
Step-by-step procedure guide on how to place BioTE pellets into a patient’s buttock. The equipment needed is shown as well as the actual placement of pellets under the skin and into the buttock fat.
Table Height
Synergy of Energy and Biologics: Thermi-O
This epic webinar, given at the height of the COVID pandemic, brought digital online teaching worldwide when travel to meetings had been halted. There was a large demand for comprehensive courses in non-surgical cosmetic gynecology. This 4-Hour extended webinar covers singular and complimentary...
Sutureless Feathering Labiaplasty Revision with VCHR and Contouring
Cheat Sheet - Sutureless Feathering Labiaplasty Revision with VCHR and Contouring
This is the Full-Length version of #4 Incisionless LP with Feathering Resurfacing Revision and includes details of the Vertical Hood Reduction. It shows the principles and steps to Dr. Alinsod’s Feathering revisio...
Sutureless Band Release Lecture
Dr. Alinsod shows the principles and steps to Sutureless Band Release Surgery with RF from start to finish. RF energy is used to incise over the perineal and vaginal scars that are palpable and causing pain. This can be used to eliminate dyspareunia from a posterior repair or vaginoplasty or pe...
Small Perineoplasty Prior to Labiaplasty
Detailed video on Perineoplasty performed before a complex labial surgery. Anesthesia, markings, excision, and layered sutureing are shown. This is the key step to start a complex case. Almost always perform the perineoplasty first with or without a vaginoplasty then proceed to the labial surg...
Small Perineoplasty
This video shows the repair of birth trauma stretching and tears with a perineoplasty that does not go deep into the vaginal canal like a rectocele repair. This is done mostly for improved appearance, lengthening the perineal body, and to get a modest increase in entry friction.
Rim Labiaplasty: The Basics
This is The Core Lecture on Rim to Hybrid Labiaplasty demonstrating Dr. Alinsod’s technique using radiosurgical tools for extreme precision. A definite must-see discussion on how to find landmarks such as the Frenular Crease and then use that to define the amount of labia to remove. It covers t...
Rim Labiaplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction, and Perineoplasty
The patient complains of a gaping and wide vaginal opening and wants a modest reduction of her labia. Described and shown is an in-office conservative Rim labiaplasty and wide clitoral hood reduction and perineoplasty with local anesthesia. Layered suturing is shown.
Revision of Buried Clitoris and Frenulum Release, PRP with Amniotic Fluid
Radiofrequency Vaporization of Hymeneal Remnants for Dyspareunia
Hymeneal remnants can sometimes be unsightly to patients and their partners. They can be mistakenly thought to be venereal warts. They can sometimes cause pulling and tugging and discomfort during sex. Shown in this video is an easy office procedure under local anesthesia to both vaporize and ...
Radiofrequency Feathering of External Anal Skin Tags
Another Core 4K video, RF Feathering is performed to vaporize an anal skin tag without the need of excision and suturing. This is done under local anesthesia as continued shrinkage occurs. The ball tip is used to shrink the external anal skin tags with multiple passes. This allows for dramatic...
Q-Tip Exercise to Prevent Aggultination
This patient is 9 Days Post Op a Feathering with RF and I wanted the raw edges not to agglutinate together. The very short video was shot live as I instructed the patient on how to prevent the surgical edges from sticking together. Her post op course is documented by photos.
Q-Tip Exercise
Cheat Sheet - Q-Tip Exercise HD -S
This is a short video on how to use a Q-tip to prevent the agglutination and sticking of edges after Feathering Resurfacing surgery. Feathered and resurfaced areas have a tendency to stick together and can be painful when pulled on. This live video of showing...
Q-Tip Exercise
This is a short video on how to use a Q-tip to prevent the agglutination and sticking of edges after surgery. Feathered and resurfaced areas have a tendency to stick together and can be painful when pulled on. This live video of showing a patient in real time how to keep the edges separated is ...
Pre Operative 3D Vectra Photography Predictive Permeation with Collagenizer Neo
3D Photography is demonstrated using the Vectra system. The Vitality Concepts Predictive Permeation device is then used to push micro and macromolecules under the skin without the need of needles. Topical BLT anesthetic cream, PRP, Exosomes, Amniotic Fluid, Collagen, HA are just some of the pro...
Predictive Permeation for Gynecology
Core Video. Predictive Permeation is also known as DEP or Dermoelectroporation. It is an FDA cleared device that allows the placement of micro and macromolecules up to 3 million Daltons under the skin without the use of needles. It works by rapid polarity changes that then open the water chann...
Perineoplasty with Labiaplasty Revision for Gaping Labial Excision
Perineoplasty, Vaginoplasty, Barbie Labiaplasty, Medial & Lateral A Incisions
Perineoplasty, Sutureless Labiaplasty with Feathering Resurfacing Revision
This Core video shows a detailed demonstration of the Feathering technique to smoothen edges of a “Botched Labiaplasty.” The precise layered technique and small perineoplasty are carefully described and shown.
Perineoplasty, Labia Majoraplasty, Barbie Labiaplasty, CHR, and O-Shot
Patient with a very bulky vulvar anatomy wants a more comfortable and petite appearance. This video shows the proper sequence of surgery to perform. This is quite a radical and dramatic labiaplasty for properly selected patients. Clitoral hood contouring to reduce the size and asymmetry is sho...
Perineoplasty and Excision of External Anal Skin Tags
This segment of an extended video concentrates only on the perineoplasty and removal of an external anal skin tag as part of a full labial reduction surgery. It is a Core video. The anal skin tag is excised and sutured and not vaporized. The commentary is live and in real time during a trainin...
Perineoplasty and Dehiscence Repair
Perineal breakdown is the most common location of a wound dehiscence after posterior repairs, vaginoplasties, and perineoplasties. This video shows the initial perineoplasty, the subsequent breakdown, and the repair.
Perineal Bx, Labia Majoraplasty, Hybrid Labiaplasty, CHR, O-Shot, and PRP
Perineal Band Release for Dyspareunia
Posterior Repairs, Vaginoplasties, and Perineoplasties may result in too tight an introitus that can lead to painful intercourse. A new partner that is very broad can result in painful sex also. This patient requested a band release right at the opening of her vagina and we were able to use rad...
O-Shot Speculum
Introducing the only O-Shot specific speculum available from Marina Medical in Florida. The comfortably narrow speculum with wide wings allow for the visualization of the mid urethral region eliminating the need for assistants having to pull laterally on the labial tissues. This is approved by ...
Non-Surgical Treatments for Pelvic Organ Prolapse & Stress Urinary Incontinence
This short presentation on non-surgical modalities that can help reduce the symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Stress Urinary Incontinence has been given worldwide since 2016. It is updated as new technology and techniques have appeared. It addresses early history of RF use and its developme...
Management of the Camel Toes with ThermiVa and Majoraplasty
Leaky Bladder
Lateral Clitoral Hood Reduction
Dr. Alinsod’s Core classic technique is described in detail. This sped up video shows the local anesthesia placed, the markings, incision, excision, and layered “Bottom Up/Town Down” suturing performed. The Bridge Concept is shown and the “Inflection” goal pointed out. The Frenular Crease is d...
Large Volume Vampire Wing Lift Set Up and Mixing
A step-by-step video tutorial on how to mix PRP with HA for labia majora augmentation, Vampire Wing Lifts, treatment of Lichen Sclerosis and Vulvar Vestibulitis
Labiaplasty Set Up of Instruments and Draping
An inexpensive way to set up to do labiaplasty surgery in the office is demonstrated. Basic equipment, sterile towels, radiosurgical tools are displayed. Proper table height, patient leg support, surgeon elbow support is stressed for an ergonomic surgery. This is a Core video to view before pe...
Labiaplasty Set Up and Draping Patient View
This abbreviated short video shows how Dr. Alinsod uses inexpensive and reusable sterile towels to drape a patient for in-office, awake, no-IV labiaplasty and vaginoplasty. This is from the patient’s point of view. It starts with a demonstration of draping then an overview of surgical tools. T...
Labiaplasty Set Up and Draping Doctor View
This video is show how Dr. Alinsod uses inexpensive and reusable sterile towels to drape a patient for in-office, awake, no-IV labiaplasty. It is from the surgeon’s point of view. It starts with a demonstration of 3D Photography, Predictive Permeation, then overview of surgical tools, surgical ...
Labiaplasty: Pre Op Instructions
Labiaplasty: Post Op Instructions
Labia Minoraplasty Anesthesia and Marking: Hybrid and Barbie Look
Dr. Alinsod has taught In-Office, Awake, NO-IV labiaplasty for almost two decades. This is a CORE video demonstrating his technique taught to hundreds of his graduates. Labia Minoraplasty and Lateral Curvilinear Clitoral Hood Reduction markings are taught. There is anatomy review, guidance on ...
Labia Majoraplasty with Radiofrequency Feathering
This historical short video shows labia majoraplasty and RF Feathering of thick keloid scars on a transgender Male to Female patient. This video has been used for over a decade to show the basic principles of labia majoraplasty surgery and RF Feathering and Resurfacing. Background music with no n...
Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction, VCHR, LMF, O-Shot - Short
Cheat Sheet - Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction
This short Introductory Video shows the basic steps of Labia Majoraplasty with Fat Pad Reduction for prominent majora and Camel Toes. It takes a glimpse of a Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction and Labia Minora Feathering. It is general in n...
Labia Majoraplasty Anesthesia and Marking with Fat Pad Reduction
This is a CORE video demonstrating his labia majora anesthesia and marking technique in his on-site programs. There is anatomy review, demonstration on Predictive Permeation, guidance on where to inject and what to inject, identification of the fat pad, and examples of Before and After results fr...
Labia Majoraplasty, TherniVa, and O-Shot
Labia Majoraplasty Lecture
This Core Lecture is a must for the Cosmetic Gynecologist who manages Camel Toes and loose labia majora. Dr. Alinsod shares his original non-surgical radiofrequency treatment using Pelleve and ThermiVa as well as his surgical technique developed in 2005 and performed under local anesthesia in an...
Labial Consults with Dr. Red Alinsod
Combined Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction
This is the short historical version of Alinsod 4A In-Office VP, Perineo, Hybrid LP, CHR Full Version, and covers the set-up, draping, marking, anesthesia, vaginoplasty with perineoplasty, labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction. It is used by Dr. Alinsod as a review right before entering a simil...
Incisionless Labiaplasty with Feathering Resurfacing Revision
Cheat Sheet - Incisionless Labiaplasty with Feathering Resurfacing Revision
The video shows the principles and steps to Dr. Alinsod’s Feathering revision surgery with RF from start to finish. It is also called Incisionless Labiaplasty since the tissues are not cut but are shrunk and vaporized wi...
Hymenoplasty Lecture
This Core Lecture tackles the sensitive and delicate topic of hymen repair surgery. It begins with a broad historical overview, current societal and cultural issues, and various methods of repairs that are both simple and refined used around the world. Dr. Alinsod also reviews methods used by t...
Hymenoplasty, Hybrid Labiaplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction, and AQ
Dr. Alinsod demonstrates his Pillar Technique for hymenoplasty surgery. A labiaplasty with Feathering is also performed. The video has a fuzzy segment during the labiaplasty portion of the case.
Hybrid Labiplasty, Clitoral Hood Reduction, and Anal Skin Tag Removal - Short
Hybrid Labia Minoraplasty/Majoraplasty, G-Shot, Vaginoplasty, and Perineoplasty
A vaginoplasty and perineoplasty are done under local anesthesia in the office along with a Hybrid Look Labiaplasty and Labia Majoraplasty. The Clitoral Hood Reductionis integrated into the majoraplasty. A detailed description of where to inject fillersfor both SUI and Orgasmic Dysfunction is sho...
Health and Hormones Webinar
A webinar created for physicians who want exposure to topic of Bioidentical Hormones and may want to consider adding it to their primary care practice or specialty Gyn/Plastics/Cosmetics/Derm practices. Pros and Cons, health benefits, routes of administration are discussed.
Gynecologic Photography: The Basics (Live Model)
This is the end segment of #0 Gynecologic Photography for Dummies Lecture. Dr. Alinsod goes through the entire photography sequence for those who want to review the steps with a live model without the PowerPoint lecture.
Gynecologic Photography for Dummies
This is a Core Lecture. The importance of learning how to take high quality Before and After pictures is stressed. Equipment and practical in-office setup are shown. Step-by-step practical skills are demonstrated and discussed. The entire process is shown with a real-time real-world patient f...
Forever Beautiful Webinar
Cheryl Whitman, CEO of Beautiful Forever Consulting Firm, interviewed Dr. Alinsod on the What’s New and Trending in Women’s Sexual Health. She specializes in mentoring and marketing medical practices and discusses keys to success with Dr. Alinsod. Dr. Alinsod’s success with the launch of Thermi...
Feminine Restoration Technology: Update for 2020
Photobiomodulation has been used in medicine for quite some time but more recently devices have been developed for femininte intimate health. Originally for in-office treatments it now is mainstreamed for home use with the release of JoyLux vFit. The Canadian company is not in the United States...
Feathering Revision to Barbie Look, Vertical CHR: A Four Year Journey
A 4 year journey of Feathering and Resurfacing is documented along with revision surgery to smoothen ruffled labial edges. A Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction is also shown.
Feathering Revision Review
This is the extended version of video Alinsod 14 Feathering Revision Morph v2. It is set to classical music and used by Dr. Alinsod to describe revision surgery using both excision and Feathering. At the end of the surgery a morph is put together to show the healing process. This video has been u...
Feathering Resurfacing Revision
This Core video demonstrates the essential skills of Feathering and Resurfacing done for revision surgery. A definite Must See Video. Radiofrequency feathering is precise and able to smooth, carve, and shrink tissues. Most Botched Labiaplasty surgeries with irregular edges, dog ears, and asymm...
Feathering and Grooving Revision, CHR, and O-Shot for Botched Labiaplasty
This video covers only the Feathering and Resurfacing and Grooving procedure portion of the full-length video LNS1 v1 Live Narrated Vaginoplasty 101 with CHR, Grooving, Feathering Resurfacing, Q-Tip, O-Shot 4K. Dr. Alinsod’s Grooving technique (creation of a labia where there was none via optica...
Excision of Hymneneal Remnants
Hymeneal remnants can be confused as venereal warts and be unsightly to patients and their partners. Excision of Hymeneal Remnants is a very common procedure that accompanies many vaginoplasties and perineoplasties. In this case presented Hymeneal Remnants were removed by radiosurgry as part of...
Electromagnetic Pelvic Floor Therapy (EMSella)
This talk was presented at ISCG 2018 and launched Emsella in North America. Thank you Marco Pelosi III for sharing this with Gynflix. Emsella uses HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Therapy) as a non-invasive rehabilitation of weak pelvic muscles and to restore neuromuscular control....
Combined Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction
Clitoral Hood Release for Buried Clitoris
Clitoral Hood Release and AmDrop Shot
Clitoral Hood Reduction Techniques
This is a slightly longer version of video #18. It is a Core video on how to perform both the traditional Lateral Clitoral Hood Reduction and the Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction techniques under local anesthesia developed by Dr. Red Alinsod.
Clitoral Hood Reduction: Lateral and Vertical Approaches
This is a Core video on how to perform both the traditional Lateral Clitoral Hood Reduction and the Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction techniques under local anesthesia developed by Dr. Red Alinsod. This is the slightly shorter version of video #19 that follows.
Clitoral Hood Reduction Contouring A Incisions for Severe Asymmetry
This Live Narrated Core teaching video focuses on Clitoral Hood Reduction and Contouring using pinpoint RF surgery. Debulking of the labia and clitoral hood and avoidance of Dog Ears is done with Medial A Incisions. Markings, anesthesia, RF incision and Excision are shown in great detail. Grea...
Clitoral Hood Reduction and Contouring for Asymmetry
This Core video shows a Lateral Clitoral Hood Reduction and Contouring using RF Unipolar for incision and RF Bipolar for excision. This classic technique, developed by Dr. Alinsod in 2005, does well to debulk a top-heavy vulva, manage multiple folds, and to also balance out the labiaplasty proce...
Carboxytherapy for Gynecology - Short
Presented is the short version of the original material on Carboxytherapy (#7 Carboxytherapy with CO2LiftV) from pioneer clinician and researcher Gustavo Leibashoff as shared and presented by Red Alinsod. The history of Caroxytherapy use is described from injected CO2 to the current gel now avai...