Posterior Compartment Repair Vaginoplasty and Perineoplasty
6m 35s
This Core video demonstrates a posterior compartment repair using native tissue via the levatorplasty approach. It is combined with a perineoplasty and small enterocele repair. It is able to provide a reduction in vaginal diameter to increase frictional forces. This video has been presented in several International Congresses and is used for review during Preceptorships with Dr. Alinsod.
Up Next in Shorts
Alinsod Labiaplasty Technique: Barbie...
Another video created during the 2020 COVID Pandemic that is International in scope and highly descriptive in details given. Secrets taught only in Laguna Beach by Dr. Alinsod were shared with a large audience of Cosmetic Surgeons attending the webinar given live. Cover topics include the ratio...
Combined Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty...
This is the short historical version of Alinsod 4A In-Office VP, Perineo, Hybrid LP, CHR Full Version, and covers the set-up, draping, marking, anesthesia, vaginoplasty with perineoplasty, labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction. It is used by Dr. Alinsod as a review right before entering a simil...
Q-Tip Exercise to Prevent Aggultination
This patient is 9 Days Post Op a Feathering with RF and I wanted the raw edges not to agglutinate together. The very short video was shot live as I instructed the patient on how to prevent the surgical edges from sticking together. Her post op course is documented by photos.