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LN Management of Labial Scalloping & Scars w/ Feathering & Shaving
Cheat Sheet
Cheat Sheet - LN Management of Labial Scalloping & Scars w/ Feathering & Shaving
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6 Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction
Cheat Sheet - 6 Vertical Clitoral Hood Reduction
Lateral Clitoral Hood Reduction
Dr. Alinsod’s Core classic technique is described in detail. This sped up video shows the local anesthesia placed, the markings, incision, excision, and layered “Bottom Up/Town Down” suturing performed. The Bridge Concept is shown and the “Inflection” goal pointed out. The Frenular Crease is d...
2 Hybrid LP w/ Clitoral Hood Reductio...
Cheat Sheet - 2 Hybrid Labiaplasty with Clitoral Hood Reduction, ThermiVa, O-Shot, and Vampire Wing LIft